Thursday, 17 September 2009

Is It Only Me Thats Feeling Ciara Lately....

I dont know about the rest of my guys out there but i've been seriously feeling Ciara recently, shes been at most of the fashion shows in the New York Fashion Week Line-Up and her style has boosted alot.... maybe she has a new stylist but whatever it is.... GO HEAD CIARA


  1. I've kinda always had a thing for her. Amidst all the "she's a man" talk, I still thought she was dope. Her music? not so much. lol.

  2. Yehh, her music has fallen off abit. I miss the old Ciara music, but she might pull something outta the bag that will kill the h8rs so im here waiting.....

    But she will always stay sexy so modelling can be her back-up career. Perfect jaw line
