Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Thoughts From My World *Teen Vogue & Art University Edition

How are y'all doing ?
I try my hardest to do these personal blogs periodically to keep this blog a bit seperate from the other bloggers who just post videos and collections.
But REALLY How are y'all doing ?
A minority of my followers really interact on blogspot or twitter.... and this number needs to increase lol, we all out here to be the FUTURE so lets get this sh*t cracking in unified lool (iSound like im about Kumbayah init)
Well, blame that on my happy mood..... I've really got alot done recently from the attainment of my internship to my job at Abercrombie & Fitch and i got more stuffs to tells ya !
Today, I went with a couple of friends to an exhibition for Art Universities to showcase some of their students work and be on hand for potential students to ask quick questions on their prospective course. It was actually quite insightful for me, cos I was able to speak to different lecturers at Universities about the fashion design & Fashion Journalism courses... Some sounded like they genuinely wanted to fill in the blanks on what i wanted to know, which i really enjoyed, it really narrowed down my choices... (Which i reveal soooonnnn lol)
Here are some pics:

SFX Course in West Thames College... Pretty Cool Huh

Two excited females.... Temi & Abbi 
Some fashion hopefuls....Maybe we'll be in the same class lol

Yinka pretending to do something productive so she dont have to look at the cam.... GOTCH'YA
Also check out the prospectuses i was able to grab from different universities:

Southampton Solent University's prospectus was a 3D booklet.... Creative 
Loved this.... it was sooo insightful yet displayed their students artist flair 

Did you think it was over from this post ? .......
Well im not done lol, Guess what came in the mail today................. MY TEEN VOGUE INSIDERS GUIDE TO FASHION CAREERS HANDBOOK, And what a good time.... My twitter folk may know my blackberry is out for repairs so i need something productive to do while im on the bus and bored in college, and this book will help me fill this void. I havent read even a quarter of the book yet but from the first few pages i read, i know im going to enjoy this read and keep it as a definate resource for me in the future.... PEEP THE PICS :

Till the next post,
Ill be in my world tryna conquer the universe.



  1. yay you got it!
    and those schools seem cool,
    good luck n picking one,
    the back of the book also has schools listed,
    also, where are you interning?

  2. okay so so what do you know about fashion journalism....i know i want to enter the journalism field, but im not sure what exactly....need some advie.get back to me asap!!

  3. Im interning at a magazine about ethical fashion, beauty, gadgets and an overall ethical lifestyle.
    The magazine is due to be launched in January with a special feature from an internation female musician.... Ill post some pics from my next day hopefully and ill drop more info sooonishhhh
