Whats Going On people, ok so i had quite a busy week this week. But i finished it all of with two parties lol :).
So what has made me so busy ? Im a promoter for the 16+ Raving event called "Toys R Us" that is put on monthly by a sick guy called Niyi ! So ive had to travel around london all week meeting people for their tickets and i finally sold most of them by friday so i was quite happy. A bad point of my week was that DAMN
TUBE STRIKE, it took me 3 hours to get home from Oxford Circus to my abode in east london. I was not too happy.
Anyway so the weekend came and i went to the rave Toys R Us and it was pretty good, except for the face people left so friggin early like 3am :(.

Well i still had a next rave to go to the next day so i didnt mind. And when saturday came around "naughty" is the name of the rave and this was highly anticipated and if it wasnt for the police it would have been the SH*T ! I mean this place was PACKED AND LIVE i was loving it. I even met a couple new friends lol.

In Conclusion, MAD WEEK, I messed up my sleeping pattern so bad this week i missed my homies album launch party and church.......
Till the next post.
Peace And Love Homies !